All posts by Ken

Bloodborne Review

I have put off writing this review again, and again, and again. I did so because I was never certain I had seen everything. I’m still not certain, but I feel positive that I can talk about Bloodborne with some authority now. So how does what is perhaps Sony’s biggest release of the year stack up? Read further for our Bloodborne review to find out.

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Bloodborne Gameplay part 2

Even more, gameplay as we plug ever onward to completion. At the time of this post, I’m finishing the last few bosses and will be ready to review shortly. We apologize for not having an MWP up this week, we had to delay due to technical issues. When we do we’ll be doing a blast from the past and visiting a familiar wasteland. Please look forward to it.

Final Fantasy XV: Preview

While there should have been a stream to accompany this preview, I must apologize because there is not (Edit, now there is!). This was due to a live stream error on the Xbox One. I’ll see if we can’t get something up later. I wasn’t going to let that get me down though, this is Final Fantasy XV we’re talking about here, most of us have been waiting to see this game for nearly a decade, so what’s the verdict? Read on my friends, let us dissect this most recent fantasy.

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Rogue Legacy Review

I sort of waffle on my opinion of games that are free from time to time. I could probably talk for hours about how Free-to-play business models are destroying credibility with the player base but in the case of tonight’s game, Rogue Legacy, I got it for free because I paid money for it. So we can happily ignore that moral conundrum and two hours of my boring bullshit.

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