The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Review

Let me preface this review with the knowledge that I loathe 3D. I don’t like it in my movies, and I don’t really like it in my games. I’ve always found it kind of gimmicky, and any movie that needs it to stand out shouldn’t have been noticed in the first place. Furthermore, I will often go out of my way to see the 2D version of a movie to avoid the head-ache inducing glasses you are required to wear.

Given what I’ve just said about 3D, my initial interest in the Nintendo 3DS was mild at best. The thought of 3D games hasn’t interested me since they first started making them for the PS3, but the thought of one that doesn’t require special glasses did at the very least make me take a second look. It has come to be expected over the last decade that Nintendo always launches a new console with a complete lack of in-house titles available at launch. Since the vast majority of gamers really only buy Nintendo consoles so they can play Nintendo games, it seems an illogical choice on their part. I haven’t felt the need to own one of their consoles on launch day since the Nintendo 64. The 3DS was no different, and for quite a while I payed no attention to it at all. However, once the announcement of a 3D Ocarina of Time was being released, and with updated graphics, I immediately took notice.

I purchased the 3DS only days before Ocarina of Time launched. Once I had the game in hand and started it for the first time and saw that old familiar title screen intro with new graphics, I started getting pretty excited. At the same time however, I was already not liking the 3D as it requires you to keep the screen titled exactly right at the correct distance, or everything starts to look bury. Not the best combination for a handheld game. After about 5 minutes in Kokiri Village, I used the 3D tuner on the side of the 3DS to just turn it off all together. I never turned it back on.

Much to my relief, Nintendo didn’t try to modify anything beyond the graphics in the game. Playing on a hand-held took some time to get used to, but once I had it down, it was just like playing on my Nintendo 64. The changes that were made for the Gamecube ports, such as the Mirror Shield emblem no longer being a crescent moon and star were still present, but that did little to detract from the game.

I played the game from beginning to end loving every minute of it. After collecting every heart piece, every bottle, every mask, and every upgrade, it was easy for me to remember why I love the game so much. Aside from what were pretty amazing graphics for the time, an outstanding soundtrack, interesting level designs, and some of the greatest gameplay ever, it was also the game that pulled me into games. I had been playing video games for years, but always as something to do when I was bored. Now I was interested in reading about games, talking about games, going to internet forums and researching games. It is what helped form lasting friendships, it is what made me find Gamer’s Logik. It is what has kept me interested for the last 13 years in the gaming industry. I think part of me is still out there looking for a game that was as great as Ocarina of Time. I have found plenty of games I adore, but I don’t think any will ever match what I found there as I explored Hyrule in three dimensions for the first time. For now though, my 3DS is just collecting dust until I feel like playing Ocarina of Time. I’ve still got my fingers crossed for a 3D remake of Majora’s Mask.
